Persian onion, Dutch garlic flower[edit | edit source]

(Allium hollandicum cv. 'Purple Sensation')

Flower Photos > Garden plants > Spring Flowering Plants > Allium hollandicum cv. 'Purple Sensation' (Persian onion, Dutch garlic)

Allium hollandicum cv. 'Purple Sensation' (Persian onion, Dutch garlic) flowers (Photo 1)

[edit | edit source]

My short words

Oh! Purple fireworks! No, those are flowers.

That's beauty of nature ;)

Persian onion 'Purple Sensation' flowers (Photo 2)
Persian onion 'Purple Sensation' flowers and leaves (Photo 3)

[edit | edit source]

Common name: Persian onion, Dutch garlic
Scientific name: Allium hollandicum cv. 'Purple Sensation'
Family name: Amaryllidaceae
Date taken: Photo 1: May 25, 2019 16:31
Photo 2: June 01, 2019 13:47
Photo 3: June 01, 2019 13:44
Place: Photo 1,2,3: (Mamin's rent room's) house owner's garden in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

References[edit | edit source]

  1. The Encyclopædia Britannica 15th edition - Amaryllidaceae
  2. 2014 Encyclopedia Nipponica (Digital version) - Amaryllidaceae
  3. - Allium hollandicum
  4. Missouri Botanical Garden, Plant Finder - Allium 'Purple Sensation'