Camberwell beauty, Mourning cloak[edit | edit source]

(Nymphalis antiopa)

Animal photos > Animals > Insects > Butterflies > Nymphalis antiopa (Camberwell beauty, Mourning cloak)

Nymphalis antiopa (Camberwell beauty, Mourning cloak) in Fort Edmonton Park, Alberta, Canada (Photo 1)

My short words

Oh! A butterfly on the ground! My friend found it.

I was also excited about the coincidence.
Just I wanted to greet it with my camera. :)

Camberwell beauty on the ground in Fort Edmonton Park, Alberta, Canada (Photo 2)

[edit | edit source]

Common name: Camberwell beauty, Mourning cloak
Scientific name: Nymphalis antiopa
Family name: Nymphalidae
Date taken: Photo 1,2: May 25, 2019, 15:33
Place: Photo 1,2: Fort Edmonton Park, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

References[edit | edit source]

  1. The Encyclopædia Britannica 15th edition - Nymphalidae; brush-footed butterfly
  2. 2014 Encyclopedia Nipponica (Digital version) - camberwell beauty; morning cloak; Nymphalis antiopa
    (I found the mistake in this encyclopedia. (wrong) morning cloak -> (correct) mourning cloak)
  3. - Nymphalidae
  4. - Nymphalis antiopa